Epoxy pain

I have seen two cases of Occupational Asthma recently in employees working in ship repair. Exposures are welding fume, metal dust from grinding, diesel fume, solvents, Epoxy paint.
My suspicion is with the epxoy paint. Does anyone have experience of IgE or skin prick tests for epoxy? Does anyone know of a lab that can do the assay?
Occupational Asthma, Health Professional, 10/6/2010, 1/27/2011,

IgE avaiulable to some epoxy curing agents, particularly anhydrides, amines less available. What country are you in? In the UK some tests available via Meinir Jones at the Royal Brompton Hospital

Welding fumes epoxy resins are all substances to which the coshh regulations 2002 apply and are irritants and can affect skin and respiratory system and asthma FYI. I have had many cases successfully brought for clients.

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