Occupational asthma from Toluene diisocyanate (TDI)

I've been working at my work place about 2 1/2 years and was recently told I had chronic asthma rhinitis allergic-perennial chronic pansinusitis and gerds. I work with a chemical call Toluene diisocyanate(TDI). Never having in my years of not working at this work place,ever having problems with or beening told I had asthma I'm wondering if this is a occupational condition. If so would this also be a workman comp case? If anyone has information on (TDI) in the work place it would be a big help.
Occupational Asthma, Specialist, 2/20/2006, 2/20/2006,

TDI is the commonest cause of occupational asthma in many countries. New onset asthma in somebody with isocyanate exposure is more likely to be due to allergy to the isocyanate than anything else, but other causes are possible. Gastro-oesophageal reflux (or esophageal for you)is common, is often made worse by asthma treatments such as theophyllines, but in my view in an exceedingly uncommon cause of asthma in adults. Treating it should get of the reflux symptoms, but is unlikely to affect the asthma. If the isocyanate is the cause of your asthma, you should be at least somewhat better on days off work. It really is worth trying to get objective confirmation of the diagnosis at at early stage. I would strongly advise you to keep some occupational type peak flow readings and have them analysed by an expert, or the Oasys program (see I'm confused section, and follow the instructions). I am not an expert on the US workmans compensation scheme, but believe you have a case if your asthma is shown tobe caused by the isocyanate.

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