how can i prove i have occupational asthma?

I am a mechanical engineer exposed to various chemical fumes and dust. i have been working as a engineer for 7 years and around two years ago had my first asthma attack. taking over a week in hospital to recover. ever since my asthma has been difficult to manage being off work a lot and taking many courses of steriods and various inhalers. i have been sent to have skin prick tests with the outcome i had allergy to grass dust cat and horse and mould. tests that stated my breathing was 60% of normall. then histamine test with the outcome i was the most sensitive you could be. then my doctor is still sending me to work with the belief i am probally sensitive to something at work and told me to stay away from anything that i feel affects me. where do i go from here. my asthma improves away from work and i had sleepless nights whilst at work. i am worried my health could get worse at work. i would like to claim compensation for my work causing this how can i do this without proving it is occupational? my doctor says that i am just so atopic at the moment i could be caused by anything
Occupational Asthma, Worker, 6/25/2010, 1/27/2011,

It is important to confirm that you have occupational asthma before altering your job. In most countries compensation still leaves you much worse off. The best solution is to identify the cause and remove you from it, rather than leaving you unemployed. There is lots of help on this website. I would start by keeping good quality peak flow record at home and work as instructed on this website (in the workers section,
If your workplace has any occupational health (or a visiting nurse) you should see them for help. If not your doctor should refer you to a specialist in occupational lung diseases. If you are in the UK this is part of the guidelines for the management of asthma that all doctors should be aware of (SIGN/BTS asthma guidelines). If you have already kept peak flow records you can download the Oasys program from this website. Then follow the instructions at "exporting patient details" at This will create an anonymised version. Use the contact form at the bottom of the page to get in touch so that we can arrange for somebody to comment on your record.
Full Text Available for British Guideline on the Management of Asthma BTS/SIGN, British Guideline on the Management of Asthma, BTS, 2009;1:1-125,

Occupational asthma: How do I measure my breathing? How do I measure my breathing?
Occupational asthma: Workers Workers

If you are from the uk you may have a claim-Occupational asthma is serious and can have a permanent impact on your ability to work. I have specialised in these cases for 17 years. Go to and email me if you require any advice free of charge.

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